Ukranian Guard Ranks and Medals:
The soviet code off arms
Marshal off the army
The Marshal off the army is the Ukranian Guard
leader. General
off the army
The general off the army is like the ukranian guard's vice president.
There are three generals in the Guard each off them commands all inferior ranks.
There are three colonels in the guard and all command inferior ranks.
There are five captains in the guard and each off them will have a lieutenant assigned to theyr command.
2nd class
Tehre are three captain and each off htem has a lieutenant assignedto they command.
There are six Liutenants in the guard and there are no lower ranks.
The valor medal
The military merit medal
The major oficer medal
The Soviet army medal of honour
Military Distinction medal
All lieutenants, captains and all ranksbellow general are allowed to challenge another player for theyr rank, but only the imediate rank above (ex.: a lieutenant challenges a captain and a captain a colonel). The marshal and the general of the army can never be challenged, neither can the generals be chalenged, unless autorization is given by the Marshal.